Concord Free Press Experiments in Generosity-Based Publishing

Concord Free Press just released it’s second free book.

A small publisher from Massachusetts, Concord Free Press, is giving away 2,000 copies of Push Comes to Shove by Wesley Brown as part of an ongoing experiment in generosity-based publishing. Their first book was Give + Take by Stona Fitch. In October, the company plans to release a novel by bestselling author Gregory Maguire entitled The Next Queen of Heaven.

The books are reportedly nicely-designed paperbacks, free of ads, written by professional writers. Upon request, they are are shipped anywhere in the world free of charge. There are no shipping and handling fees. So what’s the catch?

All we ask of readers is that they make a voluntary donation to a charity or someone in need. And pass their book along so others can give. It’s a new kind of publishing based on generosity.

Private support, grants and connections within the publishing industry keep Concord Free Press in operation. So far, readers have contributed over $45,000 in donations around the world.

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Opening of Herge Museum Public Relations Disaster

The opening of Belgium’s new Herge museum in Louvain-La-Neuve turned into a public relations disaster Monday when journalists discovered they weren’t welcome.

Virtually no photography or filming was allowed inside the museum, representatives of Moulinsart refused interviews and only one agent from the museum was able to speak any language other than French. You can see what few pictures were allowed here, including one which appears to be journalists leaving in disgust. You should also check out this video which says it all whether you speak French or not.

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Internet Meme: Sharing Personal Information

I found this personal information meme on Shonda’s blog and thought it looked like fun.

What are your current obsessions?

Considering I’m a writer, it’s safe to assume I always have an obsession or two. Right now, I’m interested in the concepts of marketing and personal branding.

I’ve also been spending a lot of time on Twitter, but I think the novelty of the experience is starting to wear off. I still love Twitter and consider it a great communication tool.

Which item from your wardrobe do you wear most often?

Blue jeans. Denim delivers a good amount of value because it stands up to all kinds of abuse, and — here in Texas at least — you can wear it just about anywhere.

What’s your favorite color?

Red. I also like blue, purple and black. I don’t like pink.

What’s the last thing you bought?

I bought Jeff Smith’s Bone Vol. 3: Eyes of the Storm at a Scholastic Book Fair. They didn’t have volume 1, and since I’d already read volumes 1 and 2 anyway I grabbed No. 3.

What are you listening to?

Texas Governor Rick Perry pointed me to UpChUcKy.CoM via Twitter. They have 20-song jukeboxes by year from 1955 to 1997 (as of this post).

If you could be anyone, who would you be and why?

Me. ‘Cause that’s who I was created to be. I’m not interested in being anyone or anything I’m not purposed to be.

What are your favorite holiday traditions?

My wife and I don’t celebrate many holidays, but we love Thanksgiving and Independence Day. We make a big deal out of both.

We’re getting some rain this year, and if it keeps up we should be able to put on a nice fireworks display in the driveway. I like to purchase the ones that look like little tanks and send them into battle against each other.

What are you reading right now?

Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings: From the Page to the Screen by Lynnette R. Porter. I enjoy literary criticism. This book compares and contrasts the heroic portrayal of Merry, Pippin, Galadriel, Eowyn, Arwen, Legolas and Gimli in both the book and the film adaptation.

Which four words describe yourself?

Creative. Introspective. Analytical. Undisciplined.

What is your guilty pleasure?


Who or what makes you laugh until you’re weak?

My wife and children (including the four-legged ones). I’m blessed to have such a wonderful family.

First Spring thing?

I love the time of year from Resurrection Sunday to Pentecost. The beginning of Spring is my personal new year. What better way to kick it off than Resurrection Sunday?

What is the best thing you ate or drank recently?

My wife is making a wedding cake for friends, and I’ve been scarfing the extra bits.

What is your favorite film?

Do you care to share some wisdom?

Expectation creates results.

What might surprise us about you?

I competed in archery competitions in high school.

 The rules for this meme are, “Rework and Respond.” Replace one question, answer the questions in a blog post of your own, and tag someone.

If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged. If you don’t want to respond with a blog post, feel free to answer any or all of these questions in the comments below.

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